Aug 07, 2023

Introducing Dependency Widgets

Product Team

Product Team

2 min read

Hi all and welcome to another Quira product update!

We’re pumped to be announcing the launch of newly updated Quira widgets!

  • These include revised designs and a smaller overall footprint, to take up just a little less of that valuable real-estate on your GitHub readme. Of course, we think you’ll absolutely love these - so if you really want us to make them huge again, you need only ask! 🐘 🤣

Alongside our updated widget designs we’re really excited to share that we’re launching an all new ‘Dependency widget’.

  • This will show off the main software packages you use, based on Lines of Code that reference a specific package in your prior commits and specific usage of function calls. Check it out - we think it’s pretty cool and that it will look great on your profiles. As ever, please do let us know your thoughts and share any feedback with us. 👂

We’ve made it easier to seek out popular repositories on our Contribute page by allowing you to sort by Most Stars on repos - have fun exploring those galaxies! 🌟🧑🏻‍🚀

We’ve also made it easier to browse relevant repositories on Contribute by showing off the Languages mix of a repo on our Quick View card - Python, Brainf$%k, Typescript stack anyone?! 🔎

Org repos!!! You asked and we delivered - many of you wanted to be able to share your org repos on Quira, so we’ve added the ability to connect GitHub Organisations and share relevant repos to our awesome community. Share your org repos and muster an army of Contributors to supercharge development - to get started visit the Add repo page 🏢

….Plus, we’ve made a whole host of other little quality of life improvements to our website to make your experience of hunting down interesting open source issues to solve just that little bit more lovely ❤️

Thanks for all the ongoing support and stay tuned for further Product updates in the weeks ahead.

→ Now, Go Forth and Contribute! 🚀

With ❤️ from the Quira Product team.

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